Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Moksha - The Ultimate State

Hi all i'm back after a long time. The people who believe in Rebirth and Soul its for them to know what is Moksha?
"Moksha is the state when the soul main source of your energy is free from Transformation from one body to another". Many people may ask why should we desire moksha? - Yes thats definelty a Good Question Everyone seeks peace and happiness one is always satisfied with life if its peacefull without tension and stress which is for a short while.Again one has some problem in life. To finish it once and for all the solution is Meditation till you attain such a state where you realize that its the body and materialistic world are different from you (The Soul). Its the materialistic world that give rise to above problems. However, Nobody knows how a soul looks before and is after moksha but is a belief that it is the Ulimate state or Final Destination.

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